Wednesday, April 21

Under the weather


I got some kind of stomach bug - yuck! I missed work on Monday and Tuesday, which is nice to have a few extra days away from work, but on the 2nd sick day I was bored out of my gourd.

About a month ago, I ordered new furniture. I figured it was time to take off the training wheels (futon and papa san) and get a real couch for myself. What I had forgotten was the exact date of delivery. They called today to confirm that my furniture would be delivered on Saturday! Which means I need to have my construction zone (apartment floor) finished before then. Ok, technically, I don't need to have the floor finished, but it would be nice to not have to move extra furniture all over the place while installing flooring.

My work is going to start a "biggest loser" contest the beginning of May. I think I'm going to join. It's ten bucks to enter the "contest." I know I won't win, but it could be fun.

So, I said I would post what I've been eating...

Luna bar
two clementines
PBJ sandwich
Chips for dinner :(
Lots of water

I was good except for the chips... I was jonzing for them!!! Tomorrow will be better :)

Saturday, April 17

The 3 Musketeers

Alrighty, looks like we're all in...what do you think about inviting our other sister nULLs...? And like Annabelle says its a life change not a competition. Good "friendly" support never hot bodies in proportional bikinis at the beach (even if they are SUPER white).

I've been ok about my eating, if its only been a few days. There's a saying "poco-a-poco" little-by-little.

I know I need to find serving (calories)/amounts for the foods I eat most regularly. Also, finding and preparing and sharing more varied recipes can't hurt the taste buds. Annabelle that spinach Indian good is spicy!

Anyone else interested in posting their daily intake? Out of us 3, I know I have the most free time, so Ill post and you all can read and laugh...or not

Monday Mocca gets her stiches out so back to more walks and maybe some running (cough...jogging).

Im off to good. eat healthy.

Friday, April 16

Ready, Set, Go Slackers!

I have been scratching my brain on how we are going to keep in touch. Something online would be the best for all of us since Mays is busy with everything and Eme works odd hours, and I'm just straight up lazy :) Let me know what you think and if you have a better idea.

Eating-wise, I was good all week, but I was ticked off and generally emotional, so I took it out on a couple of candy bars :( Shame on me, but splurging every so often is ok as long as you jump right back into the healthy foods.

How's the "healthy eating" going so far for you guys?